Wow its weird to say that, because I have never called myself a "woman." It always meant something deeper. Like there was some "secret" that I needed to learn before I could consider myself a woman. I feel like woman is a term of knowledge...a term of someone who has experienced life. Someone who has made her mistakes and is now living to not make them again, but she also doesn't dwell in them. She moves on and along the way, she uses that knowledge, that experience, to help other girls who are becoming women.
It takes me a while to realize what I am becoming. A couple of weeks ago, my dad made me listen to this song that talks about teaching their kids to fly and after that he and his wife will fly together. I asked my dad if him and my mom had taught me to fly. His response, "Your flapping your wings pretty hard." Translation-I am doing it. I am living my life, I am growing up, and while that is scary and sad to an extent, it is also exhilarating and joyful. It seemed like I wanted to grow up for so long and now that I realize that I have and am, I don't want to. :)
Its the same with being a woman, only now that I look back and see the differences there do I realize I am becoming that woman. It still may take time for me to say I am woman, but one day soon I will.
I only had the opportunity to realize this when I opened my eyes to the love God was pouring out on me. The opportunity to revel in his love and realize it was a far deeper relationship than when I was a GIRL. Wow...
God is Good. And I love him, he dances with me in my secret place...